Panel Functions 107
logiJET TC8
Edition 1.2
7.4. Adjusting the Zero Position of the Material Transport (Sync.Sens.Offset)
Using this function an offset from the detected paper feed zero-position can be set.
(See figure next page) By this the position of printout and tear off/cut is adjusted
relatively to the material. (TOF, offset from the printer-detected punch position,
that means relatively to the gap/perforation and start of the label). The setting
range for the offset is approximately ± 15 mm.
Please execute this offset adjusting after you have successfully adjusted the
Sync sensors and the slip correction. (See previous sections).
Panel display
[Menu Level 1 ]
[Engine ]
[Printspeed ]
[Sync. Menu ]
[Auto.Sens.Adj. ]
[Sync.Sens.Offset ]
[Offset: + 0.0 mm ]
[Offset: + 1.0 mm ]
[Save as Setup? ]
Turn the printer OFF LINE with this key.
Press the NEXT or PREVIOUS key until
[Engine ] is displayed.
Press the NEXT or PREVIOUS key until
[Sync. Menu ] is displayed.
Press the NEXT or PREVIOUS key until
[Sync.Sens.Offset ] is displayed.
The currently set value is displayed.
Press the NEXT or PREVIOUS key until
the desired offset is displayed.
The gap position is shifted 1 mm
against the feed direction.
In addition this new value can be saved
as setup value (using the ENTER key).
After this decision turn the printer ON
LINE again: Press the ON LINE key
longer than 2 seconds.