Panel Functions 141
logiJET TC8
Edition 1.2
Peripheral device selection:
Panel display
[Menu Level 1 ]
[Engine ]
[Printspeed ]
[Service Menu
[Dot Test ]
[Optional Devices ]
[Periph. Device ]
[TearOff Edge ]
[Cutter ]
[Saved ! ]
Turn the printer OFF LINE with this key.
Press the NEXT or PREVIOUS key until
[Engine ] is displayed.
Press the NEXT or PREVIOUS key until
[Service Menu ] is displayed.
Press the NEXT or PREVIOUS key until
[Optional Devices ] is displayed.
Select the submenu [Periph. Device ] .
Press the NEXT or PREVIOUS key until
the desired peripheral device is
The cutter is selected.
Turn the printer ON LINE again: Press
the ON LINE key longer than 2 seconds.
After having finished the settings described above, the printer has to be turned
off and on. After printer power off and on the new settings will be valid.