Operator Maintenance 167
logiJET TC8
Edition 1.2
Solve the problem that causes ribbon slack and wrinkles:
If they are found on the right side of the ribbon (viewed from
the front of the printer), move the knurled screw including the
ribbon guide shaft towards the value of 10 on the scale.
If they are found on the left side of the ribbon (viewed from the
front of the printer), move the knurled screw including the
ribbon guide shaft towards the value of 0 (zero) on the scale.
Remove any slack by turning the knob of the ribbon rewind
shaft clockwise.
Check that the ribbon has no folds and is running straight.
Correct the adjustment of the ribbon guide shaft, if need be.
Tauten the ribbon by turning the rewind shaft.
Check to see that slack and wrinkles on the ribbon are removed
ensure the ribbon is running correctly and wrinkle-free.
Lastly tighten the knurled screw that holds the ribbon guide shaft.