An RFC (Request for Comments) is an Internet formal document or standard that is
the result of committee drafting and subsequent review by interested parties. Some
RFCs are informational in nature. Of those that are intended to become Internet
standards, the final version of the RFC becomes the standard and no further
comments or changes are permitted. Change can occur, however, through
subsequent RFCs.
Routing Information Protocol is an interior or intra-domain routing protocol that
uses the distance-vector routing algorithms. RIP is used on the Internet and is
common in the NetWare environment as a method for exchanging routing
information between routers.
A system responsible for making decisions about which of several paths network
(or Internet) traffic will follow. To do this, it uses a routing protocol to gain
information about the network and algorithms to choose the best route based on
several criteria known as "routing metrics".
Routing table
Information stored within a router that contains network path and status information.
It is used to select the most appropriate route to forward information along.
Routing Information Protocol
Routers periodically exchange information with one another so that they can
determine minimum distance paths between sources and destinations.