6.2. NAT Configuration:
1. In the Security State / Security item, please select “Enable”
radio-button then click “Change State”.
2. Click “Add Interface” under “Security Interfaces” item to add new
security interface.
3. Choose “iplan” in “Name” item and “internal “ in “Interface Type” item.
4. Click “Apply” button then the “Internal Interface” is added.
5. Repeat the phase 2~4 (Replace “iplan” by “ipwan” and “internal” by
“external” in phase 3) to add the “External Interface”.
6. The “Enable NAT to internal interfaces” button under “Security
Interfaces” item appears, click it to enable NAT (Network Address
Translation) function.
6.3. NAT Advanced Configuration:
Global Address Pools:
A Global Address Pool is a pool of addresses seen from the outside network. The
ADSL Router provides one and above WAN IP interface, you can assign another
outside interfaces for various purposes.