Optical Strain Gages |
os3150 os3155
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 3 M i c r o n O p t i c s , I n c .
o s 3 1 5 0 o s 3 1 5 5 I n s t a l l a t i o n G u i d e , R e v i s i o n C
the sensor. The coarser surface is required for proper adhesion of the waterproof seal and protective paint
topcoat. Wipe the surface clean with a compatible solvent and inspect the surface to ensure that all surface
defects have been removed.
Thoroughly clean surface using a clean cloth saturated with a compatible solvent
Gage Installation:
Position the gage on the surface to be tested. Align the center axis of the gage with the strain axis to be
measured. The gage may be held into position with adhesive tape. When applying tape, do not cover weld
pockets. Figures 3 and 4 show the gage axis and weld sequence. The gage is welded in place at four
primary weld pockets 1 thru 4. Four secondary Weld Pockets A thru D further secure the gage.
Tack gage in place using a single spot weld in weld pocket 1.
Perform a single weld in each of the subsequent weld pockets 2, 3, 4. These welds should be performed in
the order indicated.
Add 4 additional welds to each weld pocket. The welds should be equally spaced within the weld pocket as
shown in Figure 5.
It is important that the gage be securely welded in place with at least 5 welds per pocket. If the gage is not
securely fastened to the test specimen, measurement errors will result.
Figure 3
– os3150 Weld Locations
Figure 4
– os3155 Weld Locations