Optical Strain Gages |
os3150 os3155
C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 1 3 M i c r o n O p t i c s , I n c .
o s 3 1 5 0 o s 3 1 5 5 I n s t a l l a t i o n G u i d e , R e v i s i o n C
Figure 11
– Seal around Cable
Paint the exposed steel surface around STOPAQ Patch with a uniform coat of a suitable primer such as
Carbozinc 859 as shown in Figure 12. Paint right up to the edge of the patch to fully protect the metal, but do
not paint the surface of the patch. Paint over the primer with a compatible topcoat such as Carboxane 2000.
Figure 12
– Primed and Painted
Accurate measurement of strain requires that the Stain gage, temperature compensator, and test specimen
surface be at or near the same temperature. A layer of insulation over the sensor will help to reduce the
temperature variations between these elements. A light colored or reflective surface will also help in
situations where the gage will be exposed to direct sunlight. Figure 13 shows the closed cell foam Insulation
and a stainless steel Cover provided in the Micron Optics os315X Protective Cover & Insulation Kit.