All rights reserved
12 Meters:
The frequency range is defined as 24.890-24.990 MHz and three antennas are added: Vertical, SteppIR, and
5el Yagi. The PA BCD code is set to 8, Remote PA and KEYOUT are enabled, the BPF outputs are cleared to
bypass the BPF, and the sequencer output is disabled (RX 4SQ preamplifier OFF all the time).
10 Meters:
The frequency range is defined as 28.000-29.700 MHz and two antennas are added: Vertical and SteppIR. The
PA BCD code is set to 9, Remote PA and KEYOUT are enabled, the 10m BPF (B6) is selected, and the
sequencer output is disabled (RX 4SQ preamplifier OFF all the time).
6 Meters:
The frequency range is defined as 50.000-54.000 MHz with one antenna selection: the SteppIR. The PA BCD
code is set to 10, Remote PA and KEYOUT are
, the BPF outputs are cleared to bypass the BPF,
and the sequencer output is disabled (RX 4SQ preamplifier OFF all the time).
VHF, UHF and SHF bands are not been defined because antennas for these bands are not available.
After the configuration is complete, settings should be stored to the Station Master and saved to a file. An
example file is distributed with the Router release and can be used as a starting place for your configuration by
loading “example.uas”.