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The order of Antennas within a band is the order in which they will appear on the front panel of Station
Master. The antenna number shown with an # may be used for direct selection of the antenna with the
keypad or computer.
Each main line (orange background) in this tab represents a separate band (frequency range). For every band
there are several fields.
Minimum and maximum frequency of particular band in kHz. Frequencies can be edited
by double clicking.
Custom name of the band up to 10 characters - used for Station Master display. .
Decimal number (0-15) which is translated to HEX output (TTL level) on the PA port. The correct
code is determined by the amplifier being used. Zero (0) generally means “not used.”
Default codes for Yaesu amplifiers are: 1 = 160m, 2 = 80/75m, 3 = 40m, 4 = 30m, 5 = 20m, 6 = 17m, 7 =
15m, 8 = 12m, 9 = 10m, 10 = 6m. Values above 10 are undefined.
Default codes for the Ten-Tec Hercules and Ameritron ALS-500M/600 amplifiers are: 1 = 160m, 2 =
80/75m, 3 = 40m, 5 = 20/30m, 7 = 15/17m, 9 = 10/12m. Other values are not defined. Hercules
and ALS-600 require a one of six decoder and source driver to 12V for the selected band.
microHAM does not currently offer an interface for the Hercules and ALS-600.
Default codes for the Icom IC2KL and IC4KL are: 1 = 160m, 2 = 80/75m, 3 = 40m, 4= 30m, 5 = 20m, 7 =
15/17m, 9 = 10/12m. Other values are not defined. The IC-2KL and IC4-KL require a 1 of 10 BCD
decoder and voltage converter to supply the correct “Band Select voltage” for each band.
microHAM does not currently offer an interface for the Icom IC-2KL and IC-4KL.
When checked, the POWER SW signal on PA port is active (sourcing 12V). The Power SW signal
can be used by amplifiers that support external control to turn the amplifier on only for the bands on
which it is uses. Note, that this setting can be overridden from FUNC menu.
When checked, SM generates KEYOUT signal on this band for Power Amplifier keying. Note, that
this setting can be overridden from FUNC menu (page 50).
Selects which lines defined as BPF outputs are selected on this band.
Selects which lines defined as SEQUENCER outputs are active on this band.
Each line (blue background) inside the band represents one antenna. The number of antennas per band is not
limited. Antennas can be added or deleted by selecting the antenna and clicking the Add or Remove buttons.
The antenna order can be changed using the Up/Down buttons.
Each antenna can be defined as receive only by checking the RX Only box. Receive only antennas are not used
for transmitting on a particular band. If an antenna has been already defined as RX only on the Antennas tab,
the RX only flag is checked automatically and cannot be changed.
To the right of the RX only flag is a status display for all 20 SM outputs. Outputs marked in green are marked
outputs are the selected Antenna outputs. Outputs marked in Red are the selected BPF outputs. Outputs
marked in Yellow are the active Sequencer outputs.