Basic Configuration
dynamic screens need bigger bit rate than other ones to get a similar quality to them at least.
For reference, the quality of a common video CD is about 1400 Kbps, and the quality of an internet streaming averages
100K ~ 500K.
Key Frame Interval
This item decides the interval of key frames which can be replayed with lossless in recording. Key frame needs ten to
hundred times size of other frames. The larger interval of key frame is, the bigger space other frames can use, so the
overall quality will be better. Conversely, the smaller interval is, the less space other frames can use, so the overall
quality will be worse.
Bigger interval of key frames makes better quality, but the delay time for seeing the next frame will be longer when the
network transmission is delayed or unstable and the program have to wait next frame as some middle frames are lost.
Conversely, smaller interval makes worse quality, but the delay time will be reduced.
Also bigger interval makes the seek time longer because the playable video can be obtained when the decoding from
the key frame to the desirous of frame is done on searching and playing random position. Conversely, smaller interval
makes the seek time shorter.
For reference, the key frame is used with the interval of one second for common video, of about five to thirty seconds
for the internet streaming.
This item configures when the recording will be begun before the event in seconds.
The real start time of the recording can be earlier than the configured one. Because correct MPEG4 video can be
obtained when recording is begun from key frame, but the location of key frame may not be matched exactly. In this
case, recording will be begun from the previous key frame because more recording is better than less one as the
characteristics of the NVR device.
For reference, the smaller interval of key frames is, the less error occurred.
This item configures when the recording will be finished after the event in seconds.
OSD Location
This item specifies the content and the location of OSD to display. Content can be of one of name or time. Location
can be one of Top or Bottom. You can select one of pattern like Bottom [name,time].
OSD Date Format
This item specifies date format of OSD to display. It is consists of combinations with four digit of year (YYYY), each
two digit of month (MM) and day (DD), and sperators (-, /).
OSD Color
This item picks a color of OSD to display.
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