• Protocol mode (mouse/keyboard)
• Report (mouse/keyboard)
• Report map (mouse/keyboard)
• HID information (mouse/keyboard)
• HID control point (mouse/keyboard)
• Boot mouse input report (mouse only)
• Boot keyboard input report (keyboard only)
• Boot keyboard output report (keyboard only)
This example application simulates a function of a mouse or keyboard. Once the connection procedure is
implemented between a mobile phone and the ATBTLC1000-MR/ZR board, the board can act as a mouse or a
In the case of a HID Mouse device application, a mouse cursor, visible in the mobile screen, can be moved as per the
predefined pattern by pressing the SW0 button on the board.
In the case of a HID keyboard device application, the predetermined text is sent to the mobile phone by pressing the
SW0 button on the board. This can be viewed in any standard text editor in the mobile phone.
Battery Service Application
The Battery Service application is used for reporting the battery level of the device using the battery characteristics.
Any application discovering the database can access the battery service instance during discovery services. This
example application simulates the device battery level from 0% to 100%, with the step of 1% every second.
Simple Broadcaster Application
The Simple Broadcaster application is used for continuously broadcasting the advertisement data over the air. This
application supports the following advertisement data types:
• Incomplete list of 16-bit service class UUIDs
• Complete list of 16-bit service class UUIDs
• Incomplete list of 32-bit service class UUIDs
• Complete list of 32-bit service class UUIDs
• Incomplete list of 128-bit service class UUIDs
• Complete list of 128-bit service class UUIDs
• Shortened local name
• Complete local name
• Appearance
• Manufacturer specific data
Device Information Service Application
The Device Information Service (DIS) application is used for providing a setup for the user to define and use the BLE
DIS service. Any application discovering the database can access the DIS service instance during discovery
services. This application supports the following characteristics:
• Manufacturer name string
• Model number string
• Serial number string
• Hardware revision string
• Firmware revision string
• Software revision string
• System ID
11073-20601 regulatory certification data list
Functional Overview
2019 Microchip Technology Inc.
User Guide
DS50002640B-page 8