iBeacon Application
The iBeacon application is used to advertise iBeacon specific packets that include UUID, major and minor numbers.
Any beacon scanner application can be used for finding the beacon device. The iOS Microchip SmartConnect app
can be used to find the beacon devices in the vicinity.
This profile defines the following roles:
• Monitor – Device (iOS/Android) to search for beacon packets
• Reporter – Device that continuously advertises the beacon packet as a part of advertisement data
AltBeacon Application
The AltBeacon application advertises packets that include MFG ID, Beacon code, Beacon ID, Reference RSSI, and
MFG reserved value. Any AltBeacon scanner application can be used to find the AltBeacon device based on the
beacon code. The supplied iOS demo app can be used to find the AltBeacon devices in the vicinity. The profile
defines the following roles:
• Monitor – Device (iOS/Android) to search for AltBeacon packets
• Reporter – Device that continuously advertises the AltBeacon packet as part of advertisement data
Eddystone Beacon Application
The Eddystone
is an open Bluetooth Smart beacon format from Google that works across Android and iOS
devices. The Microchip SmartConnect BLE BluSDK software solution provides full support for this beacon format on
the ATBTLC1000-MR/ZR devices.
The Eddystone beacon application supports UID, URL, and TLM frame types. The application can be configured as
follows using the
• Set
to send UID and TLM beacon frames at regular beacon intervals
• Set
to send URL and TLM frames. This also supports the URL
configuration service that enables the beacon to be configured dynamically from a mobile application
The Eddystone application is completely configurable using the
file. The
present in
file are supplied with default values, which can be changed by the user to meet the
requirements. In addition to this compile time configuration, the frame fields like the UID value, URL, transmit power
at 0 meters, and so on can be changed using the APIs provided in
Direct Test Mode Application
The Direct Test Mode (DTM) application is used to establish and test the Direct Test mode between two
ATBTLC1000-MR/ZR modules. Windows-based ATBTLC1000-MR/ZR characterization software is used at both ends.
The ATBTLC1000-MR/ZR Xplained Pro extensions are connected to a compatible MCU host device such as the
SAM L21, SAM D21, SAM G55 or SAM 4S. The Performance Analyzer (PC tool) communicates with the
ATBTLC1000 using a serial bridge application running on the MCU.
Serial Bridge Application
Sends the DTM commands to the ATBTLC1000-MR/ZR to enable the DTM performance analyzer application. The
supported hardware platforms (see
) can act as a serial bridge between the ATBTLC1000-MR/ZR and Atmel
Studio performance analyzer tool. Once the SAM L21 (or other supported hardware platforms) is powered on or
Reset, it initializes the Wake-up and Chip Enable to download the patch file into the ATBTLC1000-MR/ZR and
completes the initialization procedure of the BLE module. After the ATBTLC1000-MR/ZR initialization, the application
initializes the SAM L21 to act as a serial bridge.
Functional Overview
2019 Microchip Technology Inc.
User Guide
DS50002640B-page 12