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Appendix |EtherCAT Documentation
confocalDT 24x1
A 6.1.3 Addressing and FMMUs
In order to address a slave in the EtherCAT® system, various methods from the master
can be used. The confocalDT 24x1 supports as full slave:
Position addressing
The slave device is addressed via its physical position in the EtherCAT® segment.
The services used for this are APRD, APWR, APRW.
Node addressing
The slave device is addressed via a configured node address, which was assigned by
the master during the commissioning phase.
The services used for this are FPRD, FPWR and FPRW.
Logical addressing
The slaves are not addressed individually; instead, a segment of the segment-wide
logical 4-GB address is addressed. This segment can be used by a number of slaves.
The services used for this are LRD, LWR and LRW.
The local assignment of physical slave memory addresses and logical segment-wide
addresses is implemented via the field bus Memory Management Units (FMMUs). The
configuration of the slave FMMUs is implemented by the master. The FMMU configura-
tion contains a start address of the physical memory in the slave, a logical start address
in the global address space, length and type of the data, as well as the direction (input or
output) of the process data.
A 6.1.4 Sync Manager
Sync Managers serve the data consistency during the data exchange between Ether-
CAT® master and slaves. Each Sync Manager channel defines an area of the application
memory. The confocalDT 24x1 has four channels:
Sync-Manager Channel 0: Sync Manager 0 is used for mailbox write transfers (mailbox
from master to slave).
Sync-Manager Channel 1: Sync Manager 1 is used for mailbox read transfers (mailbox
from slave to master).
Sync-Manager Channel 2: Sync Manager 2 is usually used for process output data.
Not used in the sensor.
Sync-Manager Channel 3: Sync Manager 3 is used for process input data. It contains
the Tx PDOs that are specified by the PDO assignment object 0x1C13 (hex.).