bers and use
to increase and decrease the second value and repeat the previous steps for rest
of the ip address.
11. Once you have set the desired address press the Enter key.
Reset or cycle power to the magnum for the change to take effect.
The MCS-MAGNUM IP address can be verified and changed (with the proper authorization code) from
MCS-CONNECT of a live unit.
The following steps will display the IP Address settings:
(to change the address you first must be authorized)
1. Connect to your MCS-Controller thru MCS-CONNECT
Click on the ‘SERVICE’ tab
Click on the ‘ETHERNET’ tab
4. Make changes to the IP address and any other changes as shown on the MCS-BMS-GATEWAY label.
5. Save your changes
5.5. Biasing the RS-485 Device Network
• An RS-485 network with more than one device needs to have biasing to ensure proper communi-
cation. The biasing only needs to be done on one device.
• The MCS-BMS-GATEWAY has 510 Ohm resistors that can be used to set the biasing.
The MCS-BMS-GATEWAY’s default positions from the factory for the Biasing jumpers are OFF.
The OFF position is when the 2 RED biasing jumpers straddle the 4 pins closest to the outside of
the board of the MCS-BMS-GATEWAY. (Figure 9)
• Only turn biasing ON:
• IF the BMS cannot see more than one device connected to the MCS-BMS-GATEWAY AND all
the settings (wiring, and DIP switches) have been checked.
To turn biasing ON, move the 2 RED biasing jumpers to straddle the 4 pins closest to the inside
of the board of the MCS-BMS-GATEWAY.
5.6. End of Line Termination Switch for the Modbus RS-485 Device Network
RS-485 Bias
Figure 9: RS-485 Biasing Switch on the MCS-BMS-GATEWAY