Allows the user to check the status of the FieldServer gateway, including the configuration code, version, memory,
gateway type and more. Under “Settings” the user has access to important network information.
NOTE: The “System Restart” button at the bottom of the page is used to restart the FieldServer gateway (only on
the Home page).
Allows the user to check current firmware of the FieldServer gateway plus version identification of the interface
and skin, plus con- tact information. Skin is either the default FieldServer template or it can be a specific template
specified by the OEM customer.
Select “File Transfer” to upload files to the FieldServer gateway including configuration files, firmware upgrades
and more. Select “Network Settings” to access and modify network connection.
Select “Connections” to view activity of devices connected to the FieldServer gateway ports.
Select “Data Arrays” to view the Data Arrays setup in the gateway and the user can click on the specific Data
Array for detailed information.
Select “Nodes” to view the Nodes setup in the gateway and the user can click on the specific node for Node
detailed information. On the Nodes details page tabs across the top allow access to settings, status, info stats and
error stats.