The ATMOS 41W keeps track of time using Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) s. All models can
synchronize time using ZENTRA Utility Mobile. Additionally, the ATMOS 41W synchronizes
time using the GPS receiver or the cellular network. The ATMOS 41W prioritizes using GPS
time since this will be the most accurate; however, the instrument will fall back to the other
sources of time when the ATMOS 41W does not have a good GPS time fix.
Data collected by the ATMOS 41W uses the UTC time for the timestamp on each saved
sensor record. ZENTRA Cloud displays these data using local time based on where the
instrument is installed.
The ATMOS 41W stores up to 8 MB of data for on-board integrated sensors (
External sensors cannot be used with the ATMOS 41W.
When the ATMOS 41W memory is full, it begins overwriting the oldest data stored.
Data storage capacity varies between 16 months to several years depending on the set
measurement interval. ZENTRA Utility Mobile software displays the percentage of storage
used on the main information page (
The ATMOS 41W data memory is nonvolatile flash. Removing the batteries or rebooting the
) will not erase stored sensor measurement data. SENSOR MEASUREMENT INTERVAL
The user-defined sensor measurement interval controls how often the ATMOS 41W records
sensor data to internal nonvolatile data storage. The interval applies to all inputs on the
ATMOS 41W (i.e., the ATMOS 41W cannot store data for one sensor at a faster rate than
another sensor). The measurement interval is controlled in the Sensor Configuration tab of
ZENTRA Utility Mobile (
The measurement interval works relative to the ATMOS 41W internal real-time, 24-h clock.
For example, a measurement interval of 60 min results in the ATMOS 41W storing data
every hour, on the hour (e.g., 12:00 am, 1:00 am, ..., 10:00 pm). The ATMOS 41W minimum
measurement interval is 5 min and the maximum measurement interval is 12 h. For most
applications, a measurement interval of 15 min is appropriate.
The ATMOS 41W makes measurements of each sensor at the intervals described in
When the ATMOS 41W internal clock reaches the user-configured measurement interval, the
ATMOS 41W processes and stores the results from all the instantaneous sensor readings taken
since the end of the last measurement interval interval. For most sensors, the stored results are
a simple average of the instantaneous readings. For the event-based sensors (e.g., rain gauge),
the ATMOS 41W stores summed sensor readings at the end of the measurement interval.
NOTE: Setting the ATMOS 41W measurement interval to Off (not logging) turns off sensor measurement, data storage,
and data uploads.