Copy curves:
To copy a temperature curve from one graphics file to another requires opening a source graphics display window and a destination
graphics display window prior to copying curve (s). Highlight the graphic window and choose Edit from the menu Select Copy
Curve and choose the name of the curve to be copied. Highlight a destination graphics window, select Edit from menu and select
Paste Curve. Enter a name for the new curve on the pop up window. Modify its attributes (e.g. color, line width) as needed and
click OK.
You may select a curve by moving the mouse pointer to the top of the curve, click the left button of the mouse and choose Copy
Curve on the pop up menu. Move mouse within the area of the destination window, click on the right button of the mouse and choose
Paste Curve on the pop up menu. Note: The right button of the mouse may be used by other applications and a different menu
would appear.
To copy curves
The pop up window for the ‘Paste Curve’ command
To delete curves:
Highlight a graphics window and select Edit from the menu . Select Cut Curve and highlight the name of the curve to be deleted.
This curve can be pasted on any graphics windows by selecting Paste Curve from the menu.
For a short cut, select a curve to be deleted by moving the mouse pointer to the top of this curve. Click on the left button of the mouse
and choose Cut Curve on the pop up menu.
To change attributes of the curve:
Highlight a graphics window and select View on the menu bar. Select Curve Options and highlight the name of the curve to be
changed. Modify its attributes on the pop up window and click OK to update changes.
For a short cut, select a curve to be changed by moving the mouse pointer to the top of the curve. Click on the left button of the mouse
and choose Curve Options on the pop up menu.
Step 2:
Move the mouse pointer to
free space, click on the right
button of the mouse and select
Paste Curve.
Step 1:
Move the mouse pointer to the top
of a curve, click on the left button
of the mouse and select Copy Curve.
Indicates the source file of the curve.
Type a new name for the curve here.
Choose a line style from the list.
Select line width from the list.
Click here to finish pasting.
Click here to choose the color.
The shape of the current curve.
Click here to make this curve visible.
Click here to hide the curve.
Click here to abort.