BGA-3500 Series Manual 5/01
Prism Adjustment:
If the 2 circles do not align, and adjust the outer screws until the Prism is aligned.
Camera Angle adjustment:
When the image is crossed using the split field, do the lines align correctly? If not, loosen
locking screw and adjust the thumb screw up/down until correct.
Height Adjustment:
Cross the image over until you see 2 sets of lines. Use the Z-height grub screw to adjust height
until the 4 lines align. Set the height setting block to this height.
You should now be perfectly calibrated.
Note: This is designed as a prompt sheet for the main settings - for full details refer to the factory calibra-
tion section of the user manual.
When your BGA/CSP-3500 Series Rework System has been completely set up and you are familiar with the
functions of the unit, you are ready to place your first component.
1. Ensure that all power switches are in the “ON” position. Push the “Power” button on your monitor so
that it is turned on. Make sure that your monitor is set for the correct input that corresponds with your
video input connector (i.e. “SVHS=Video 3”).
2. Adjust the Component V-block to the dimensions of your component and mount it onto the component
slide. Do not over tighten the V-Block, as you want to obtain a loose fit in reference to the component.
Over tightening will prevent the component from being lifted.
3. Install the appropriate vacuum pipette onto the vacuum head of the placer.
4. Pull the Board Holder Selection Knob towards you and slide the board holder so that it locks into posi-
tion underneath the Placer.
Note: The following steps are to be followed after deposition of solder paste or flux has been completed.
5. Adjust the board holder to accommodate the PCB by loosening the two black knobs and sliding the
frame so that the PCB fits snugly. The board holder can also be extended by removing the four knurled
screws that hold the rails in place, sliding the rails back and inserting two of these two screws in the
tapped holes that best match your board dimensions.
6. Ensure that the prism assembly is fully retracted. If not, the prism lock will automatically disable the
vacuum head from picking up a component.
7. Insert the component to be placed into the tooling plate. Be sure to reference pin #1 with that of the
8. Slide the tooling plate forward so the component can be picked up by the vacuum pipette. Rotate the
Z-Axis knob counterclockwise so that the vacuum head lowers and touches the center of the compo-
nent. Vacuum can now be activated either via foot switch or automatically when the vacuum head
touches the component. Ensure that the vacuum selector switch is set correctly, according to the cho-
sen method of vacuum activation.
9. Once the vacuum has been activated and the component is in contact with the vacuum pipette, rotate
the Z-Axis knob fully clockwise. Once this step is accomplished, the component will be picked up and
brought to the highest position in reference to the Z-Axis.