Technical Bulletin—TC-9100 Universal Controller
The TC-9100 Universal Controller has two digital inputs, labeled DI1 and
DI2, each connecting to an isolated, voltage-free contact. DI1 may also be
connected to a Condensation Sensor, Order Code HX-9100-8001, which
provides the equivalent of an open contact when the sensor is dry and a
closed contact when water condensation is sensed.
By configuration, the digital inputs are set to provide any two of the
Logic modes in the controller which each have a specific function in the
controller operation. The status of the Logic modes can be read by a
supervisory system.
The parameters to be defined for each digital input are listed below. The
Item TCS2 is included in
Worksheet 3
Appendix 2
Table 6: Digital Input Configuration Items
Item Tag Type
TCS2 2
Bits 11,10,9
Controller Options 2
Digital Input DI1 Logic mode
, as follows:
000 = Input not used.
001 = Connected to a window contact for “Window
Open” mode.
010 = Connected to an occupancy sensor for
“Occupancy” mode.
011 = Connected to an air quality sensor, condensation
sensor, or other sensor with override function for
“Air Quality / Override” mode.
100 = Connected to a contact to change the action of
one or more control modules for “Reverse Action”
101 = Connected to a general purpose alarm contact for
“General Alarm” mode. This mode has no effect
on the operation of the controller and is used for
supervisory system purposes only.
Bit 12
Defines the action of the contact connected to DI1.
= “Open” contact sets the mode.
= “Closed” contact sets the mode.
For example, for a “window” contact that opens when the
window is open, set this bit to 0. For an “occupancy” sensor
contact that closes to indicate occupancy, set this bit to 1.
Digital Input DI2 Logic mode
, using the same bit
patterns as shown above for DI1, bits 11, 10, 9.
Bit 16
Defines the action of the contact connected to DI2, the
same as shown above for DI1, Bit 12.
The Logic mode set for DI2 must be different from the Logic mode of
DI1 to avoid interference between the contacts. If an input is not used, set
the Logic mode bits to 000. If a Logic mode is configured but no sensor
contact is connected, install a wire jumper between the digital input
Digital Input
(DI1 and DI2)