Technical Bulletin—TC-9100 Universal Controller
When the worksheet has been completed, the data can be physically
entered into the controller using the SM-9100 Service Module, which
plugs into the side of the controller (or by connecting a PC to the N2 Bus
serial link and running the M9101 Configuration and Commissioning
Software Package). Using either tool, the data for each Item address is
entered in turn. When complete, the controller operation may be
monitored by displaying the Item addresses that contain the dynamic
parameters of each module of the controller, such as analog input values,
programmable module output values, or the Controller modes of
Note: It is recommended that the controlled equipment be switched off
when configuration parameters are being changed to avoid any
unexpected control actions.
The TC-9100 Universal Controller has four analog inputs, each accepting
a 0 to 10 VDC input signal. The inputs are conditioned in software using
configuration parameters to provide a numerical value representing the
physical quantity being measured, such as temperature, relative humidity,
or flow rate. The numerical value can be used as an input to a
programmable module (configured as a Control Module or a Calculation
Module), and can be read by a supervisory system. Alarm limit values
may be set in the controller, as fixed configuration parameters or by a
supervisory system, and the high or low alarm status of each analog input
can be read by a supervisory system.
The parameters to be defined for each analog input are listed below.
Refer to
Appendix 2 – Worksheet 3
, or
Appendix 1 – Table 1: Item List
for the Item addresses. Note that
in the tag names in the table below
stands for the analog input number from 1 to 4.
Table 4: Analog Input Configuration Items
Item Tag Type
IOPn 1
Bit 4
Bits 7,6,5
Bits 8,3,2,1
Analog Input Options
that define the conditioning of the
physical signal.
Defines the physical input type and must be set to 0 (zero)
for the voltage input.
000 = Linear Range (0 to 10 V)
010 = Square Root Range (0 to 10 V)
011 = Linear Range (2 to 10 V)
Set to 0 = not used.
HRIn Number
High Range for AIn:
value represented by the highest
input signal (10 VDC). (See LRIn for analog value
calculation resulting from High and Low Range values.)
Continued on next page...
Entering a
Analog Input
(AI1 to AI4)