Das Gerät ist stets – und unabhängig vom Alter – nur
unter Aufsicht zu nutzen.
Machen Sie alle 20 Minuten eine Pause.
Kinder dürfen das Gerät lediglich unter Aufsicht
nutzen und sollten von Erwachsenen vor dem
Gebrauch angeleitet werden.
Falls Sie nicht geübt im Umgang mit Trampolinen
sind, machen Sie sich vorsichtig mit der Physik des
Trampolins und Trampolinspringens vertraut.
Vor dem Benutzen, Taschen und Hände leeren.
Das Trampolin ist nur von einer Person zu nutzen.
Schuhe ausziehen; möglich sind ebenfalls
Gymnastikschuhe mit dünner Sohle.
Führen Sie als ungeübter Springer keine riskanten
Manöver wie etwa Salti aus.
Immer in die Mitte des Sprungtuchs springen.
Tragen Sie während des Springens keine
Kleidungsstücke oder Gegenstände bei sich, die
sich verhaken können.
Das Trampolin muss ebenerdig und auf einer
rutschfesten Oberfläche aufgestellt sein.
Das Sprungtuch nicht mit einem Sprung verlassen.
Das Gerät kann von starkem Wind fortgetragen
werden. Ergibt sich absehbar eine sehr windige
Wetterlage, bringen Sie das Trampolin an einem
windgeschützten Platz unter oder verankern Sie es
im Boden.
Nicht benutzen, wenn das Sprungtuch nass ist.
Vermeiden Sie generell, dass Gerät im vollmontieren Zustand zu bewegen. Sollte es zwingend erforderlich sein, dass
Gerät im montieren Zustand zu bewegen, sollten mindesten 4 kräftige Personen hinzugezogen werden, die das
Trampolin mit horizontal ausgerichteter Sprungmatte sicher bewegen.
Bauen Sie das Gerät nicht in der Nähe von Wasser auf und achten Sie auf ausreichende
Abstände zu Häusern etc..
Achten Sie darauf, dass sich keine Personen während der Nutzung unter dem Trampolin
Legen Sie keine Gegenstände unter das Trampolin.
Achten Sie vor der Nutzung darauf, dass die Sprungmatte sauber und nicht feucht ist. Defekte
Sprungmatten sind nicht zu nutzen und zu ersetzen.
Nutzen Sie das Trampolin nicht im alkoholisierten Zustand oder unter dem Einfluss von
Das Trampolin muss so aufgestellt werden, dass ausreichend Freiraum ab der Sprungmatte nach oben
gegeben sind.
Stellen Sie das Trampolin keinesfalls in gefährlichen Umgebungsbedingungen – etwa in der Nähe von Bäumen,
Strommasten, Leitungen, Zäunen etc. auf.
Vermeiden Sie, dass das Gerät unter Strom gesetzt wird.
Achten Sie immer darauf. Dass der Reisverschluss des Sicherheitsnetzes geschlossen und eingehakt ist.
Springen Sie nicht mit Absicht in das Sicherheitsnetz.
Vor dem Benutzen immer die Netzöffnung schließen.
Ratschläge für den Aufbau
Das Trampolin sollte von mindestens zwei geeigneten Erwachsenen mit aller Sorgfalt aufgebaut werden. Falls
Fragen auftreten, wenden Sie sich an unser Service Center.
Bevor Sie mit dem Aufbau beginnen, lesen Sie alle Instruktionen sorgfältig durch.
Entfernen Sie alles Verpackungsmaterial und legen Sie alle Teile auf eine freie Stelle. Damit haben Sie einen
Überblick, was den Zusammenbau wesentlich erleichtert.
Vergleichen Sie die Teile mit der Teileliste und stellen Sie sicher, dass nichts fehlt.
Der Umgang mit Werkzeugen sowie technische Arbeiten aller Art bergen immer ein gewisses Verletzungsrisiko.
Seien Sie daher vorsichtig.
Achten Sie auf eine gefahrenfreie Umgebung, zum Beispiel: Lassen Sie kein Werkzeug herumliegen.
Achten Sie auch darauf, dass das Verpackungsmaterial, vor allen Dingen Folien und Plastiktüten, nicht in die
Hände von Kindern gelangt (Erstickungsgefahr!). Entsorgen Sie das Verpackungsmaterial fachgerecht.
Nachdem Sie das Trampolin entsprechend der Anleitung zusammengebaut haben, überprüfen Sie alle
Schrauben und Muttern sowie alle übrigen Verbindungspunkte auf korrekten Sitz.
Platzieren Sie das Trampolin auf einer flachen und ebenen Oberfläche mit mind. 2m Abstand zu anderen
Hochbauten oder Barrieren, z. B. Zaun, Garage, Haus, Baumäste, Wäscheleinen oder elektrischen Kabeln.
Das Trampolin muss vor der Benutzung sicher auf einem ebenen, festen und gleichförmigen Untergrund
aufgestellt werden.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
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