Vor Gebrauch des Trampolins lesen Sie bitte diese Informationsbroschüre genau durch. Wie bei jeder anderen sportlichen
Betätigung, besteht auch hier die Gefahr einer Verletzung. Um das Risiko einer Verletzung möglichst gering zu halten,
befolgen Sie bitte die notwendigen Sicherheitsvorschriften.
Diese Anleitung ist ein Teil dieses Produktes; bewahren Sie diese deshalb zum späteren Nachlesen auf. Falls Sie das
Produkt einmal an eine andere Person weitergeben möchten, legen Sie bitte diese Gebrauchsanleitung immer bei.
Die falsche Verwendung des Trampolins ist gefährlich und kann zu ernsthaften Verletzungen oder Tod führen.
Trampoline bringen den Nutzer in oft ungewohnte Sprunghöhen und erfordern daher Körperkontrolle.
Prüfen Sie vor jedem Gebrauch die Trampolinmatte auf ihre Stabilität und vergewissern Sie sich, dass kein Teil lose
Hinweise zum richtigen Auf- und Zusammenbau des Trampolins, Sicherheitshinweise und die richtigen
Sprungtechniken finden Sie in dieser Broschüre. Nutzer und Aufsichtspersonen sollten sich diese Hinweise
durchlesen und sich mit ihnen vertraut machen. Jeder, der dieses Trampolin benutzt, sollte sich seiner eigenen
physischen Grenzen bewusst sein und nur Sprünge ausführen, die seinen individuellen Fähigkeiten entsprechen.
Kleine Objekte/Verpackungsteile (Plastikbeutel, Karton, etc.)
Bewahren Sie die kleinen Objekte (z.B. Schrauben und anderes Montagematerial, Speicherkarten) und
Verpackungsteile außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern auf, damit sie nicht von diesen verschluckt werden
kann. Lassen Sie kleine Kinder nicht mit Folie spielen. Es besteht Erstickungsgefahr!
Stellen Sie keine Quellen offener Flammen, z.B. brennende Kerzen, auf das Gerät.
Bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch
Dieses Gerät dient die körperliche Ertüchtigung durch Springen
Es ist ausschließlich für diesen Zweck bestimmt und darf nur zu diesem Zweck verwendet werden. Es darf nur in der Art und
Weise benutzt werden, wie es in dieser Gebrauchsanleitung beschrieben ist.
Dieses Gerät ist nicht dafür bestimmt, durch Personen (einschließlich Kinder) mit eingeschränkten physischen, sensorischen
oder geistigen Fähigkeiten oder mangels Erfahrung und/oder mangels Wissens benutzt zu werden, es sei denn, sie werden
durch eine für ihre Sicherheit zuständige Person beaufsichtigt oder erhielten von ihr Anweisungen, wie das Gerät zu benutzen
ist. Kinder sollten beaufsichtigt werden, um sicherzustellen, dass sie nicht mit dem Gerät spielen.
Reparaturen am Gerät sollten nur von einer autorisierten Fachwerkstatt durchgeführt werden.
Ein Umbauen oder Verändern des Produktes beeinträchtigt die Produktsicherheit. Achtung Verletzungsgefahr!
Öffnen Sie das Produkt niemals eigenmächtig und führen Sie Reparaturen nie selber aus!
Falscher Zusammenbau führt möglicherweise zu Fehlfunktionen oder dem Totalausfall.
Öffnen Sie in keinem Fall das Gerät.
Es wird keine Haftung für Folgeschäden übernommen. Technische Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten!
Die Gewährleistung verfällt bei Fremdeingriffen in das Gerät.
Lesen Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung vor Gebrauch gründlich und vollständig. Unsachgemäßer Zusammenbau und
Nutzung können Verletzungen nach sich ziehen. Prüfen Sie den Zusammenbau des Trampolins vor jeder Nutzung.
Bestehen Zweifel an der Sicherheit der Konstruktion darf das Gerät nicht genutzt werden.
Das Gerät ist nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet. Achten Sie darauf, dass Kinder unter diesem Alter keinen Zugang zu
dem Trampolin erhalten.
Max Gewicht des Benutzers: 6FT:80KG; 8FT/10FT-1/10FT/12FT/13FT/ 14FT/14FT-1/15FT/16FT:150KG
Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten
geeignet Montage-/Gebrauchsanleitung
Die Benutzung des Trampolins geschieht auf eigene Gefahr!
Der Aufsteller ist nur für den ordnungsgemäßen Zustand des Trampolins
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
Although your trampoline does not require any particular maintenance, a few precautions are
necessary when not in use.
The trampoline must be kept dry as much as possible. It is therefore best to cover it with a
protective cover after each use or dismantle it and store it in a dry and sheltered location when
not in use.
Regularly inspect your trampoline for any defects or premature wear.
Your trampoline was made by using an anti-rust treatment. However, if traces of rust appear
following prolonged exposure, it is recommended to attend to these immediately with regular
anti-rust treatment.
If parts are missing or damaged, directly contact our customer service.
When dismantling your trampoline, follow the assembly instructions above in reverse.
The basic bounce
Start in an upright position.
Swing your arms forward in a circular motion.
After gaining momentum, bring together the tips of your
feet pointing downwards while in the air.
Cushioning/slowing down
Users may lose their balance. The cushioning technique
allows balance to be quickly regained.
Start with a normal jump.
When you come into contact with the mat, bend your knees
to cushion the bounce.
The hand and knee drop
Start with a basic bounce.
Land on your hands and knees, with your back straight.
Concentrate on landing evenly on the four contact points,
rather than on the height of the jump.
Seat drop
Land in a seated position, with your hands on the mat.
Return to the basic position by pushing with your hands.
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