Operating Instructions - CPC4000
Industrial Pressure Controller
CPC4000 Control Limits
The Maximum and Minimum Limit buttons can be accessed by clicking the Next Page [
] button in
the Control Settings App. These buttons provide a place to limit the setpoint value that can be chosen
in the Home App. These limits can only be set within the range of the active transducer. When the instru-
ment is in Autorange the limits can only be set within the range of the primary transducer which, by con-
vention, will have the widest range. The minimum limit must be lower than the maximum limit. The user
cannot enter setpoints and thereby not control to pressures outside of these limits.
Figure – Control limits Vent Rate
The Vent Rate button in the Control Settings App lets the user to determine the rate at which pressure
will vent in vent mode. By default the rate of the vent is set similar to the control rate. The rate is limited
to a maximum of 20% of the full scale range/ second. Figure displays the vent rate setting for the
Figure – Vent rate