Operating Instructions - CPC4000
Industrial Pressure Controller
CPC4000 User Base Units / Base Units Multiplier
When choosing a unit of measure from the Home Application (main screen), standard units can be cho-
sen in addition to two user defined units. User units 1 and 2 are defined in the Settings App using “User 1
base units”, “User 1 multiplier” and / or “User 2 base units”, “User 2 multiplier”. For example, if the display
of one atmosphere (atm) was needed, then psi could be chosen as the “User 1 base unit” and the “User 1
multiplier”, in this case, would be 0.068045. When set this way and the user 1 unit has been chosen, the
user 1 unit will now display the pressure in atm.
Figure – User base units / Base units multiplier Barometer Units
When the Barometer Units Parameter has been chosen, a list of Imperial or Metric units is presented on
the right side of the screen. Any of these units can be chosen from this list for the barometric readout that
can be seen on the bottom right of the Home App.
Figure – Barometer units