Operating Instructions - CPC4000
Industrial Pressure Controller
6.3 Application Selection and Parameter Inputs
The application selection/input area on the right one fourth of the screen (see Figure 6.1.2 - Display
Screen Features) is the area where setup, information, calibration, service and other Apps can be cho-
sen. Multiple pages of application selections can be accessed by pressing the Next Page button [
] or by pressing the Previous Page button [
]. A series of horizontally placed circles on the bottom
right represents the number of pages and indicate the active page by a larger circle. As each App is cho-
sen, related application parameters will appear on the left three fourths of the screen along with the name
of the application, and a reduced size icon in the top title section. When a parameter is chosen, related
selections, sliding scales or a data entry key pad will appear in the input area on the right where the appli-
cation selection buttons were previously displayed. An example of each type of input is shown below. To
return to the App selection menu, simply press the Menu button [ ] above the input area. The purpose
and use of each selection and menu is intuitively apparent and will become second nature with minimal
exposure to the menu structure.
Menu Button
App Title
Input Title