DMU380ZA Series
User’s Manual
Doc# 7430-3810 Rev.02
Page 63
DMU380ZA Advanced UART Port Commands
The advanced commands allow users to programmatically change the DMU380ZA Series
settings. This section of the manual documents all of the settings and options contained
under the Unit Configuration tab within NAV-VIEW. Using these advanced commands,
a user
s system can change or modify the settings without the need for NAV-VIEW.
Configuration Fields
Configuration fields determine various behaviors of the unit that can be modified by the
user. These include settings like baud rate, packet output rate and type, algorithm type,
etc. These fields are stored in EEPROM and loaded on power up. These fields can be
read from the EEPROM using the ‘RF’ command.
These fields can be written to the
EEPROM affecti
ng the default power up behavior using the ‘WF’ command.
The current
value of these fields (which may be different from the value stored in the EEPROM) can
also be accessed using the ‘GF’ command.
All of these fields can also be modified
immediately for th
e duration of the current power cycle using the ‘SF’ command.
unit will always power up in the configuration stored in the EEPROM. Configuration
fields can only be set or written with valid data from Table 34 below.
Table 34 Configuration Fields
configuration fields
field ID Valid Values
Packet rate divider
0x0001 0,1,2,5,10, 20, 25, 50
quiet, 100Hz, 50Hz, 25Hz, 20Hz, 10Hz, 5Hz, 2Hz
Unit BAUD rate
0x0002 0,1,2,3
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600
Continuous packet type
0x0003 Any output packet type
Not all output packets available for all products.
See detailed product descriptions.
Gyro Filter Setting
7142-65535 [5Hz]
3571-7141 [10Hz]
1530-3570 [20Hz]
0-1529 [50 Hz]
Sets low pass cutoff for rate sensors. Cutoff
Frequency choices are 5, 10, 20, and 50Hz
Accelerometer Filter Setting 0x0006
7142-65535 [5Hz]
3571-7141 [10Hz]
1530-3570 [20Hz]
0-1529 [50 Hz]
Sets low pass cutoff for accelerometers. Cutoff
Frequency choices are 5, 10, 20, and 50Hz
0x0007 See below
Determine forward, rightward, and downward
facing sides
User Behavior Switches
0x0008 Any
Free Integrate, Use Mags, Use GPS, Stationary
Yaw Lock, …
X Hard Iron Bias
0x0009 Any
I2 scaled from [-1,1)
Y Hard Iron Bias
0x000A Any
I2 scaled from [-1,1)
Soft Iron Scale Ratio
0x000B Any
U2 scaled from [0,2)
Heading Track Offset
0x000C Any
Heading-Track Offset to use in NAV filter track
update mode.
Note: BAUD rate SF has immediate effect. Some output data may be lost. Response will
be received at new BAUD rate.
Continuous Packet Type Field
This is the packet type that is being continually output. The supported packet depends on
the model number. Please refer to Section 7.4 for a complete list of the available packet