For historical reasons, SD-cards with a capacity of 32 MB and less
are factory-equipped with the outdated file system FAT12. The ME-
phisto Scope is unable to read this format und signals a POST Code
6. Please reformat these cards. FAT16 is automatically used by all
modern operating systems to format data storing units with a ca-
pacity of more than 4 MB.
Some programs allow you to change the file format as well as the
management system of a data storing unit. However, many SD-
cards work best using the factory-defined structure. The Meilhaus
Electronic GmbH strongly advises you to abstain from such
changes. There have been occasional malfunctions and defects in
relation to wrong formatting. However, it must be stressed that
this does not affect the file system (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 etc.)
but only structures like boot sector, partition information etc. Speed
In order to achieve the highest possible data rates, you should use
fast-operating cards. However, it is not necessary to use ex-
tremely fast-operating cards (attributes „extreme“, „ultra“, etc.).
A very high speed may only be reached on certain conditions. The
MEphisto Scope does not support these conditions. We recom-
mend to test the measuring condition. Over-speed may produce in-
correct values that occur separately or in blocks even though the
card does not indicate any error. A typical symptom are short
„bursts“ at regular intervals. This does not occur, however, at
sampling rates under 20 kHz. The modes Oscilloscope and Logic-
Analyzer are not affected. They work full-speed with any type of
card. File Attributes
The MEphisto Scope generates a unique file name for each meas-
urement. The name is based on the date and time the file was cre-
ated. In the logger-modes, the file’s first time-stamp is set on the
time when the file was created. Therefore, it is approximately the
moment you insert the card which is recorded. The second stamp
indicates the last time you accessed the file and may be used to
define the end of the measurement. All information given by the
other modes always refers to the end of the measurement. The
time stamps are attributes of the files themselves not of the data.
If the file is manipulated, the stamps change, too. Termination of measurement
If you terminate the measurement early by turning off or taking out
the card, not all measurement data is saved. In logger-modes, it is