Special precautions are necessary when working near high tension systems (MV and HV):
rubber gloves and shoes (not supplied with this instrument) should be worn.
Special precautions are necessary when working in wet conditions or in agricultural
areas: observe the local safety standards and take all necessary special precautions applicable to
the particular location and do not touch the test leads with bare hands.
Live Ground safety precautions
A ‘Live’ ground is one that carries current from the mains supply, or could do so under fault conditions. The
following warnings apply in addition to those listed previously.
• All persons involved must be trained and competent in isolation and safety procedures for the
system to be worked on. They must be clearly instructed not to touch the Ground electrode,
test stakes, test leads, or their terminations if any ‘Live’ Grounds may be encountered. It is
recommended that they wear appropriate rubber gloves, rubber soled shoes, and stand on a
rubber mat.
• The Ground electrode under test should be isolated from the circuit it is protecting before testing
commences. If this is not possible, ART (attached Rod Technique) may be used to measure
electrode resistance.
• The instrument terminals should be connected to the system under test through isolation
switches that are rated to handle the likely maximum fault voltages and currents that could be
encountered at the installation. The isolation switch must be open whilst any personal contact
is made with the remote test stakes, or the connecting leads, e.g. when changing their position.
• The instrument terminals should be connected to the system under test through fuses that are
rated to handle the likely maximum fault voltages and currents that could be encountered at the
This instrument must only be operated by suitably trained and competent people.
Users of this equipment and/or their employers are reminded that Health and Safety Legislation requires them to
carry out valid risk assessments of all electrical work so as to identify potential sources of electrical danger and risk
of electrical injury such as inadvertent short circuits. Where the assessments show that the risk is significant then
the use of fused test leads constructed in accordance with the HSE guidance not GS38 ‘Electrical Test Equipment
for use by Electricians’ should be used .
This instrument is internally protected against electrical damage when used for the purposes of testing low voltage
electrical installations as defined herein. If used in a manor other than those defined in this user guide, the
protection capabilities could be impaired with potential risk to the operator and the instrument.