Func onal Details
Front panel components
Figure 3. Front panel
Screw terminal
BNC connectors
Screw terminal
Connect up to four digital I/O lines (DIO0 to DI03) to the detachable screw terminal.
Figure 4. Screw terminal pinout
The digital ground (GND) terminals provide a common ground for the digital bits.
Digital connec ons
The digital I/O lines are electrically isolated from the analog circuits. Each bit is individually configurable for
input or output, and features Schmi trigger inputs and open drain outputs. All DIO channels are pulled high to
5 V.
Any digital bit can be configured with the web interface as a trigger to start or stop an acquisi on. Any digital
bit can also be configured to trigger an alarm, and be driven high or low when an alarm occurs.
BNC connectors
Connect up to four analog inputs to the BNC connectors (AI0+/AI0– to AI3+/AI3–). All analog inputs are
simultaneously sampled at rates of up to 51.2 kS/s per channel.
Figure 5. BNC connector pinout
The center pin of the connector (AI+) provides the DC excita on (when enabled) and posi ve input signal
connec on. The shell of the connector (AI–) provides the excita on return path and AC ground reference
Use the web interface to individually configure each input for voltage or Integrated Electronic Piezoelectric
(IEPE) sensor measurements. IEPE sensor types include accelera on, sound pressure, velocity, and force.
Voltage channels can be configured for AC or DC coupling. IEPE channels are automa cally configured for AC
coupling. An internal excita on source current is automa cally enabled for IEPE sensor types.
WebDAQ 504 User's Guide
page 9