Humidity (Indoor)
Operating Range: 0% to 99%
Resolution: 1%
Accuracy: 5%
Sampling Interval: 10 seconds
Humidity (Outdoor)
Operating Range: 0% to 99%
Resolution: 1%
Accuracy: 5%
Sampling Interval: 10 seconds
Transmitting Interval: around 47 seconds
Sunrise and Sunset
Accuracy: 1min (latitude within 50°)
Ultraviolet light
Range: 0 UVI to 36UVI (15.4 MED/hour)
Resolution : 0.1UVI (0.1 MED/h)
Accuracy: 1UVI + 10%
Transmitting Interval: 300 seconds
Wind Direction
Range: 0° to 360°
Resolution: 22.5°
Accuracy: 11.25°
Starting Threshold: 3mph (4.8 Km/h)
Transmitting interval: 33 seconds
Wind Speed
Range: 0 to 100 mph (160 Km/h, 86.897 Knots)
Resolution: 0.1mph (0.16 Km/h)
Accuracy: (2mph + 5%)
Starting Threshold: 3mph (4.8 Km/h)
Wind/Gust Speed Display Update Interval: 33 seconds
Wind/Gust Sampling Interval: 11 seconds
1h/24h/yesterday range: 0 to 78.73 inch (0 to 1999.9 mm)
Last week/ last month range: 0 to 787.3 inch (0 to 19999 mm)
Resolution: 0.03 inch (0.6578 mm)
Accuracy: +/- 5% +/- 0.03 inch (+/-5%mm +/-0.6875)
Transmitting Interval: 183 seconds
Hardware Requirement for Weather Capture PC software
Operating System: Windows 98 or above