DST (Daylight Savings Time) definitions:
SA = Australian DST.
SB = South Brazilian DST. Changes annually.
SC = Chile DST
SE = Standard European DST.
SG = Egypt DST
SH = Havana, Cuba DST
SI = Iraq and Syria DST
SK = Irkutsk & Moscow DST
SM = Montevideo, Uruguay DST
SN = Namibia DST
SP = Paraguay DST
SQ = Iran DST maybe changed annually.
ST = Tasmania DST
SU = Standard American DST.
SZ = New Zealand DST
NO DST = no = Places that do not observe DST;
ON = Always add 1 hour to the local standard time
Radio Frequency: 433 MHz
RF Reception range: 100-328 feet (30 -100 m)
Barometric Pressure
Measuring Range: 14.75 inHg to 32.44 inHg (500 HPa to 1100HPa); (374.5 mmHg to 823.8 mmHg)
Resolution: 0.003 inHg (0.1 HPa, 0.08 mmHg)
Accuracy: 0.015 inHg (0.5 HPa; 0.38 mmHg)
Sampling interval: 20 minutes
Altitude Compensation Range: -657 ft to 16404 ft (-200m to +5000 m)
Temperature (Indoor)
Operating Range: 14.2°F to 140°F (-9.9°C to 60°C)
Resolution: 0.2°F (0.1°C)
Accuracy: 2°F (1°C)
Sampling Interval: 10 seconds
Temperature (remote)
Range: -40°F to 176°F (-40°C to 80°C)
Resolution: 0.2°F (0.1°C)
Accuracy: 2°F (1°C)
Transmitting Interval: around 47 seconds