Page 29
Control Commands
optoNCDT ILR 1181 / 1182
Queries / sets trigger mode
Queries / sets baud rate
Queries / sets autostart
Queries / sets offset
Sets current distance as offset
Displays all parameter values
Resets all parameters to standard values
Fig. 18 Short overview control commands
Command entries are not case-sensitive. This means that small and capital lettering can be used for com-
mands. Any command which is to be sent to the sensor must be terminated by a hexadecimal 0Dh (carriage
return) character.
Where decimal digits are to be entered, they must be separated by period (2Eh).
For command paramater entries, one must distinguish between parameter settings and parameter queries.
Querying is achieved with a command in simple format, for example parameter alarmcenter: AC[Enter]. For
parameter setting, a new value must be added after the command with no delimitation sign in between, for
example: AC20.8[Enter]. In the given example, the alarm center will be set to 20.8.