Technichal Manual Heating Actuators AKH
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen
• Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49
• [email protected] •
4.5.1 Operating modes
The integrated controller contains of different operating modes, which can be individually adjusted
as described below:
Figure 25: Operating modes for heating & cooling
The dynamic range of this parameter is shown at the chart:
Sub function
Dynamic range
[default value]
Basic comfort setpoint
, °C, , °C, , °C, …,
Adjustment of the basic setpoint; valid for
heating and cooling
Setpoint heating
Standby reduction (K)
K, , K, , K, …, , K
Adjustment of the reduction at the heating
mode and adjusted standby mode
Night reduction (K)
K, , K, , K, …, , K
Adjustment of the reduction at the heating
mode and adjusted night mode
Setpoint cooling:
Standby increase (K)
K, , K, , K, …, , K
Adjustment of the increment at the cooling
mode and adjusted standby mode
Night increase (K)
0K, 0,5K,
, K, …, , K
Adjustment of the increment at the cooling
mode and adjusted night mode
Table 35: Operating modes
If the controller is selected only as heating or as cooling, only settings for the adjusted operating
mode are shown.
The operating modes with their differences are described at the following sections.