Technichal Manual Heating Actuators AKH
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen
• Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49
• [email protected] •
The second opportunity of the manual setpoint offset is the movement of the setpoint depending to
the adjusted
adjusted setpoi t. Fo this a ia t of setpoi t offset, the o je t a ual setpoi t
offset is used. “e di g a positi e Kel i alue at this o je t auses a i
e e t of the u e t
setpoint. Sending a negative Kelvin value at this object causes a decrement of the adjusted setpoint.
By sending 0K the setpoint, which is adjusted in the parameters is active again. From Hardware
Version 2.0, it can be adjusted if the manual setpoint value offste should be performed by 1 Byte or 1
Bit command.
By activating the Setpoint offset with setwheel at the device-specification with setwheel, the
u i atio o je t u
e a ual setpoi t offset ha ge disappea s. The a ual setpoi t
offset is performed by the setwheel now (have a look at 4.1.1).
“e di g a e setpoi t ia the o je t setpoi t o fo t deletes a a ti e setpoi t offset.
The setti g a setpoi t offset i di ates the a i al possi le setpoi t o e e t. If the o t olle
is for example set to a basic comfort setpoint of 3K, the setpoint can only be moved manual in the
limits of 18°C and 24°C.
The setti g a setpoi t offset alid fo defi es the s ope of the setpoi t offset. You a hoose
whether the setpoint offset is only valid for the comfort mode or also for the night and standby
mode. The operating mode frost/ heat protection is always independent of the setpoint offset.
The setti g „Reset setpoi t afte ha ge of ode i di ates hethe a setpoi t offset shall e
maintained after a change of mode or not. If this parameter is deactivated, the device will switch to
the adjusted setpoint for the chosen operating mode after every change of mode.
The o
u i atio o je t A tual setpoi t is fo the ue of the u e t setpoi t at the a tual
adjusted operating mode.
The following chart shows the relevant communication objects:
Setpoint comfort
2 Byte
Parameterization of a new absolute comfort
Manual setpoint value offset
2 Byte
Movement of the setpoint depending to the
current adjusted basic comfort setpoint
Manual setpoint value offset
1 Bit
Movement of the setpoint depending to the
current adjusted basic comfort setpoint
1 = +0,5°C / 0 = -0,5°C
Actual setpoint
2 Byte
Readout of the actual adjusted setpoint
Table 47: Communication objects setpoint offset