Technichal Manual Heating Actuators AKH
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen
• Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49
• [email protected] •
4.1.5 Max. Control value
The following illustration shows the settings for this parameter:
Figure 13: max. Control value
The following chart shows the dynamic range for this parameter:
Sub function
Dynamic range
[default value]
Object max. control value
send at changes
send at changes and at
cycle 30min
Activates the objects for the max.
control value and defines the
sending behavior of them
Table 14: max. Control value
The pa a ete O je t a . o t ol alue defi es hethe a o je t fo the a i u o t ol alue
shall be shown. If this parameter is activated with one of the two settings, two objects will be shown
which you can see at the chart below. The maximum control value is only sent at a change or at a
change and additional cyclically every 30min.
This function allows
heati g’s
, which can modulate their power, if only less power is required. The
object for the output (Number 84/164) sends the maximum used value at the heating actuator of the
enabled channels. Afterwards this output signal can be analyzed and send the used power to the
If more than one heating actuator is used, which get all their heating power from one heating, the
objects can be connected by the additional object of the input (Number 85/165). Therefore, the
output of the first actuator has to be connected to the input of the second actuator and so on. Now
the output object of the last actuator sends the maximum used power from all enabled channels of
the connected actuators.
Max. control
1 Byte
sends the current maximum control value
Max. control value(Input) 1 Byte
receives the current maximum control value
from another actuator
Table 15: Communication objects max. Control value