IM 178 / Page 47
3. If the fans are equipped with optional spring isolators,
check the fan spring mount adjustment. When the fans
are running they should be level. Refer to “Spring Isolated
Fans” in the “Preparing Unit for Operation” section of this
manual for information.
Note: The supply and return fan drives are usually se-
lected for operation in the drive’s midspeed range. The return
fan drives are usually shipped with fixed pitch sheaves that
will provide the selected fan speed; however, the supply fan
drives are usually shipped with variable pitch sheaves that
are adjusted to provide the minimum fan speed. Both drives
should be adjusted for proper airflow during air balancing.
For more information, refer to “Air Balancing” near the end of
this section.
Heating System Start-up
1. At the keypad, set the heating set points high enough so
that the controller will call for heating. On CAV-ZTC units,
adjust the “Heating Spt=” entry on menu item 12D. On
VAV or CAV-DTC units, adjust the “Heating Spt=” e n t r y
on menu item 12C, and if equipped with modulating heat,
the “Set Point=” entry on menu item 14A.
2. Place the unit into the “Occ-Heat Only” mode through
keypad menu 11 (“Control Mode”).
3. Verify that the high ambient heating lockout temperature,
“Max OAT=” (menu item 14B), is set above the outdoor air
Gas furnace
Refer to the “Start-up and Operating Procedures” section of
the forced draft gas fired furnace installation manual, Bulletin
No. IM 684 or 685. Perform the start-up procedures given in it.
Electric heat
Turn the electric heater switch HS1 to “on.” The electric
heaters should energize. If the unit has multistage electric
heat, the MicroTech controller should energize the heaters in
successive stages. The rate of staging is controlled by menu
item 14E, “Stg Timer=” (default is 5 minutes).
Steam heat
The steam valve actuator should open the valve. The steam
valve is open when the valve stem is up. If the unit loses
power, the spring in the actuator should drive the valve wide
open. Check this by opening system switch S1.
Hot water heat
The hot water valve actuator should open the valve to the
coil. The three-way hot water valve is open to the coil when
the valve stem is down. If the unit loses power, the spring in
the actuator should drive the valve wide open to the coil.
Check this by opening system switch S1.
Economizer Start-up
Improper adjustment may damage the dampers.
Assure proper damper adjustment. When an economizer
is ordered without an actuator, the linkage requires a
3.14" linear stroke to fully open it. Do not allow dampers
to be driven beyond their normal full closed or full open
1. Check whether the outdoor air is suitable for free cooling
by displaying keypad menu 9. “Low” indicates low outdoor
air enthalpy; “High” indicates high outdoor air enthalpy.
Referring to “Enthalpy Control” in the “Unit Options”
section of this manual, verify that the enthalpy changeover
control is working properly. You may want to take tem-
perature and humidity measurements.
2. At the keypad, set the cooling set points low enough so
that the controller will call for cooling. On CAV-ZTC units,
adjust the “Cooling Spt=” entry on menu item 12C. On
VAV or CAV-DTC units, adjust the “Cooling Spt=” entry on
menu item 12B and the “Set Point=” entry on menu item 13A.
3. Place the unit into the “Occ-Cool Only” mode through
keypad menu 11 (“Control Mode”).
4. Observe the outdoor air dampers:
If the outdoor air enthalpy is low, the Step-and-Wait
algorithm should modulate the dampers open.
If the outdoor air enthalpy is high, the dampers should
maintain their minimum position. Set the “Min Airflow=”
entry on menu item 21A to some other value. Verify that the
dampers move toward the new minimum position set point.
5. If the unit is equipped with the electromechanical en-
thalpy changeover control (Honeywell H205) and the
outdoor air is borderline, attempt to change its input to the
MicroTech controller by turning the switch to “A” or “D”.
Check menu 9. If the changeover occurred, go to step 5
Note: It may not be possible to check the economizer
operation in both low and high enthalpy states on the same
day. If this is the case, repeat this procedure on another day
when the opposite outdoor air enthalpy conditions exist.
Cooling System Start-up
1. Place the unit into the “Occ-Cool Only” mode through
keypad menu 11 (“Control Mode”).
2. Verify that the low ambient cooling lockout temperature,
“Min OAT=” (menu item 13), is set below the outdoor air
3. At the keypad, set the cooling set points low enough so
that the controller will call for cooling. On CAV-ZTC units,
adjust the “Cooling Spt=” entry on menu item 12. On VAV
or CAV-DTC units, adjust the “Cooling Spt=” entry on
menu item 12 and the “Set Point=” entry on menu item 13.
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