-Fit the cowling to the fuselage by trimming it to fit around your propeller shaft.
-When the cowling fits, remove it from the fuselage and drill 1/16” pilot holes for the
cowling attachment screws.
-Tape the cowling to the fuselage, carefully aligning it around the propeller shaft, and
screw it into place with 4 screws.
-Remove the screws. Put a drop of thin CA into the holes to reinforce them. While the
CA is drying paint the screw heads with flat black paint to match the rest of the screws
on the model.
-When the paint and the CA is dry reattach the cowling with the screws.
-Separate the 4 drag wires attached to the front of the cowling from each other.
-Remove the spring from a drag wire and attach it to the corresponding swivel on the
front inner wing strut. Do not attach it to the wing wire!
-Tie the drag wire to the spring. You want it to be taut, but not so tight that it pulls the
cowling out of alignment.
-Repeat for the other 3 wires.
-When complete, check the cowling alignment, crimp the spring around the drag wire,
put a drop of CA on the knot and trim any excess string. DO NOT crimp the spring
around the wing strut swivel! You need to be able to remove the cowling.
Landing Gear
-Use either an aircraft stand or rest the
upper wing center section on a block of
foam between the upper wing support
-Remove the wing root attachment screw
you previously inserted during the
wing/fuselage assembly.
-Attach the landing gear using 4 nylon
screws and tighten.
2008 Maxford USA www.maxfordusa.com