MI 850A348 1 E
Product overview
The DLCA is a digital load cell amplifier which provides
excitation voltage for load cells and amplifies the returned
millivolt signal which is proportional to applied force into a 0
to 10VDC, 4 to 20 maDC, and a 0 to1maDC signal. The DLCA
also shows the signal converted into a digital readout in
engineering units representing applied force. All calibrations
and setup are entered using three buttons and 4-digit
display. Tension is displayed using three significant digits.
The DLCA has a front panel tension zero button and a digital
input to remotely zero the tension. The DLCA has an alarm
output which can be programmed to activate at either a high
or low tension threshold. Load cell diagnostics run during
Model number key
The model number and serial number are shown on the
bottom of the enclosure.
The model number consists of the base model "DLCA"
followed by optional alphanumeric characters.
Model format: DLCA
Serial number format: MMDDYYNNNL
MM = month
DD = day
YY = last two digits of the year
NNN = a sequence number
L = manufacturing location