The acceleration/deceleration characteristic is controlled by 2 Cvs:
acceleration delay (CV3)
deceleration delay (CV4)
Time lag between speed 0 and the maximum speed (or reverse) is 0.5sec if the setting
is “1”, maximum possible is 128sec (setting “255”). Simply divide your desired time delay
by “2” to acquire the respective CV setting.
The linearity of the driving characteristic is defined by three CVs or by a individually
programmed driving curve:
The start voltage defines the driving voltage of step1. The smaller the voltage the slower
the locomotive drives. If, the back EMF in “off”, the loco does not move in step 1, the
voltage should be increased.
The maximum speed (CV5) may be reduced by inserting smaller values.
The mid-speed (CV6) defines how many speed steps are available. In the case CV6 is
half of the value of CV5, all speed steps are distributed equally. In case CV6 is smaller
than half the value of CV5 the lower speed steps are stretched. The locomotive will drive
slower at mid-speed; the slow speed range will be extended.
As an alternative you may program the driving curve individually in 28 speed steps
(CV67 - CV94). This driving curve is activated by CV29- bit4. In this case the CVs 2, 5,
and 6 are deactivated!
The motor control frequency is defined in 4 steps by CV9. At 16 kHz the motor is operated at its
optimum and runs very quiet. A few types of motor may require a lower setting if they do not run
smoothly or get hot. The integrated back EMF works only with 16 kHz. The eMOTION XL
Decoder is usable with all kinds of DC motors.
The eMOTION XL Decoder is equipped with an integrated PI-Back EMF that can be
programmed by 3CVs. The eMOTION XL Decoder is delivered with a “fast” setting. This
facilitates fast speed changes which however may result in over controlling and subsequently in
bucking. For optimizing CV60 (Back EMF adjusting factor) and CV61 (Back EMF adjustment
speed) may be changed. A reduction of CV60 results in a reduction of the regulating steps per
time unit. The eMOTION XL Decoder regulates less and does not tend to over regulate. The