Radical-7R Pulse CO-Oximeter Operator’s Manual
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
Audible and visual alarms for high low saturation and pulse rate (SpO2 range 1% - 99%, SpCO range
1% - 98%, SpMet range 1% - 99.5%, SpHb range1 g/dl - 24.5 g/dl, RRa range 4 - 70 breaths per min-
ute, PI range 0.03% - 19%, PVI range 1% - 99%, pulse rate range 30 - 235 BPM)
Sensor condition, system failure and low battery alarms
High Priority:
571 Hz tone, 5 pulse burst, pulse spacing: 0.250s,
0.250s, 0.500s, 0.250s, repeat time:10s
Medium Priority:
550 Hz tone, 3 pulse burst, pulse spacing: 0.375s,
0.375s, repeat time: 7s
Low Priority:
500 Hz tone, 1 pulse burst, repeat time: 5s
Alarm Muted reminder:
500Hz tone, 2 pulse burst, pulse spacing 0.375s,
repeat time: 3min.
Alarm Volume:
High Priority: 70 dB (min),
Medium Priority: 70 dB (min),
Low Priority: 45 dB (min)
Data display: %SpO
, %SpCO, %SpMet, SpHb g/dl, SpOC ml/dl, %SpHct, PVI, pulse rate, RRa,
plethysmographic waveform, respiration indicator, alarm status, status messages, Signal IQ,
SIQa, perfusion index, APOD and FastSat
Display update rate:
1 second
Response Time:
< 20 second delay
Type: Backlit Active Matrix TFT LCD
480 x 272 dots
Dot Pitch:
0.25 mm
Output Interface
Satshare (RDS-1, RDS-1B)
Serial RS-232 (RDS-1, RDS 1B, RDS-3)
Nurse Call/Analog Output (RDS-1, RDS-1B, RDS-3)
Philips Vuelink, Spacelabs Universal Flexport, RadNet, RadLink (RDS-1, RDS-1B, RDS-3)
EMC Compliance:
EN60601-1-2, Class B
Equipment Classification:
IEC 60601-1 / UL 60601-1
Type of Protection Class 1 (on AC power), Internally powered (on battery power)
Degree of Protection-Patient Cable:
Type BF-Applied Part
Degree of Protection-SatShare Cable:
Type CF-Applied Part
Mode of Operation:
1 SpO
, SpCO and SpMet accuracy was determined by testing on healthy adult volunteers in the range 60% - 100% SpO
, 0% - 40% SpCO
and 0% - 15% SpMet against a laboratory CO-Oximeter. SpO
and SpMet accuracy was determined on 16 neonatal NICU patients ranging
in age from 7 to 135 days old and weighting between 0.5 and 4.25 kgs. Seventy-nine (79) data samples were collected over a range of 70
- 100% SaO
and 0.5 - 2.5% HbMet with a resultant accuracy of 2.9% SpO
and 0.9% SpMet. Contact Masimo for testing specifications.
2 The Masimo sensors have been validated for no motion accuracy in human blood studies on healthy adult male and female volunteers with
light to dark skin pigmentation in induced hypoxia studies in the range of 70-100% SpO2 against a laboratory CO-Oximeter and ECG monitor.
This variation equals plus or minus one standard deviation. Plus or minus one standard deviation encompasses 68% of the population.
3 The Masimo sensors have been validated for motion accuracy in human blood studies on healthy adult male and female volunteers with
light to dark skin pigmentation in induced hypoxia studies while performing rubbing and tapping motions, at 2 to 4 Hz at an amplitude
R a d i c a l - 7 R s p e c i f i c a t i o n s ( c o n t i n u e d )