Radical-7R Pulse CO-Oximeter Operator’s Manual
O v e r v i e w
P r o d u c t D e s c r i p t i o n
The Radical-7R Pulse CO-Oximeter is a noninvasive, arterial oxygen saturation, total
hemoglobin concentration and pulse rate monitor. It can be used as either a Handheld or
a Standalone monitor. The Radical-7R Pulse CO-Oximeter features a backlit Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD) that continuously displays numeric values for SpO2, SpMet
®*, SpCO®*,
SpHb®*, SpOC™*, SpHct™, respiration rate (RRa™), pulse rate, Perfusion Index (PI)
and Pleth Variability Index (PVI®). It also provides graphical displays for plethysmographic
waveform and Signal Identifi cation and Quality Indicator (Signal IQ®). The Radical-7R Pulse
CO-Oximeter can be used to interface with a multiparameter patient monitor to provide Masimo
SET SpO2 and pulse rate
information to that monitor for display.
These features are common to the Radical-7R family:
Masimo SET is clinically proven to be the highest sensitivity and specifi city pulse
technology in the world.
Rainbow technology uses 7+ wavelengths of light to continuously and noninvasively
measure carboxyhemoglobin (SpCO), methemoglobin (SpMet)
and total hemoglobin
(SpHb), as well as providing a more reliable probe-off detection.
Rainbow Acoustic Monitoring uses acoustic monitoring technology to measure and display
respiration rate (RRa) while providing the Respiration Indicator (RI) at the sensor site.
SIQa displays the confidence level of the Acoustic Respiration measurement signal quality.
Total Oxygen Content (SpOC™*) provides a calculated measurement of the amount
of oxygen in arterial blood, which may provide useful information about oxygen both
dissolved in plasma and combined with hemoglobin.
Displays percent hematocrit (%SpHct), the measurement of total red blood cell count
divided by total blood volume.
Perfusion Index (PI) with trending capability indicates arterial pulse signal strength and
may be used as a diagnostic tool during low perfusion.
*Pleth Variability Index (PVI) may show changes that refl ect physiologic factors such as
vascular tone, circulating blood volume, and intrathoracic pressure excursions.1
Accurate on cyanotic infants with congenital heart disease when used with an LNOP®
Blue Sensor.
Signal IQ waveform for signal identifi cation and quality indication during excessive
motion and low signal to noise situations.
FastSat® tracks rapid changes in arterial O2 with high fi delity unlike any other pulse oximeter.
SatShare® interface allows transfer of SpO2 and pulse rate to an existing multiparameter
monitor and allows for the reading of SpCO, SpMet, SpHb and SpOC on adjacent Radical-
7R monitor.
Detachable portable handheld for patient transport.
The utility of PVI is unknown at this time and requires further clinical studies. Technical factors that may
affect PVI include probe malposition and patient motion.
* Optional parameters/measurements