Limited Warranty Statement
All Maruyama commercial/ industrial products are warranted to the original purchaser to be free from defects
in material and workmanship
from the date of purchase
for the lime periods listed as follows:
for inner drive shaft on trimmers and brushcutters and all ignition modules.
3 years
for residential, non-institutional, non-income producing use.
1 year
for industrial, commercial, instilulional, rental and income producing use.
Maruyama AE series engines and Kawasaki TEX45/TEX54 are covered exclusively for one additional
year of industrial, commercial, instilutional, renlal and income producing use (total of 2 years).
All other engines refer to engine manufacturer's warranty statement.
Any part of a Maruyama product found to be defective within the applicable warranty period shall, at
Maruyama's option, be repalred or replaced without charge. Warranty consideration is obtained by delivering
any Maruyama product believed to be defective to an Aulhorized Maruyama Servicing Dealer within the
applicable warranty period.
The purchaser shall not be charged for .diagnostic labor that leads to the determinalion th_at a warranted part
is defective, if the diagnostic work is performed at a Maruyama Dealer.
Any warranted part which is not scheduled for replacement as required mainlenance, or which is scheduled
only for regular inspection
the effect of "repair or replace as necessary" shall be warranted for the warranly
period. Any warranted part, which is scheduled for replacement as, required maintenance shall be warranted
for the period of time up to the first scheduled replacement poinl for that part. Maruyama Mfg. Co., Inc. is·
liable for damages lo other engine components caused by'the failure of a warranted part still under warranty.
The purchaser is responsible for the performance of the required maintenance, as defined by Maruyama Mfg.
Co., Inc. in the Owner's/Operator's Manual.
In addition to the above warranly coverage, Maruyama Mfg.
Co., Inc. will repair or replace, free of charge, for the original purchaser and each subsequent purchaser any
emission-related part or parts found to be defective in material and workmanship for two (2) years from origi
nal retail delivery date
except catalytic converter. Catalytic converter is warranted one year from origi
nal retail delivery date. ·Emission-related parts are the carburetor assembly, the ignition coil
assembly, the ignition rotor and the spark plug and catalytic converter.
Any replacement
that is
equivalent in performance and durability may be used in non-warranty maintenance or repairs, and shall not
reduce the warranty obligations of Maruyama Mfg. Co., Inc.