This window allows selection of an amplifier con-figuration for loading into MA Netcontrol. The choices are:
Uploading information from connected subnet(s)
Opening an already saved preset configuration file
Creating a new configuration from scratch.
If you are working offline (no physical subnet is connected), select the second or third choice to access
offline editing functions. See Section 6.4.3.
When a physical subnet is connected, you can automatically acquire data directly from the amplifiers by
selecting “Upload configuration from network”. MA Netcontrol interrogates the network interface, locating
available subnets ( MA-NET1 units) and listing them in a pop-up window as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6
Note: As many as 60 MA-NET1 units can be detected and uploaded simultaneously into MA Netcontrol on
one host computer.
This window displays the detected MA-NET1 units along with subnet number, the number of devices
(amplifiers) connected to each subnet, and the TCP/IP address for the MA-NET1.
Select the subnets you want to upload and click on the Upload button.
Note: All detected subnets are selected by default. Deselect any you do not wish to upload by clicking in
the check box. (In earlier software versions without a check box, simply click somewhere in the row.)
MA Netcontrol uploads information from the subnet. It automatically generates lists and default groups for the
various display views ready to enable immediate operation.
Clicking on the Refresh button re-interrogates the network after initial uploading. Use Refresh to update
subnet information when changes are made to connected subnets, or when network connection is
temporarily lost due to inadvertent physical disconnection.
5.2.1 No Subnets found fault
If MA Netcontrol does not locate any available MA-NET1s on the network, the following message appears
(Figure ):
Figure 7