DR Railbus VT 133 525
The Priegnitzer Kreiskleinbahnen
bought two narrow gauge railbuses
from the Wismar Coach Works in
1939. The distinctive Wismar design
featured twin motors with controls at
both ends of the railbus. This elimi-
nated the need to turn the railbus at
the end of the line, making it popular
with narrow gauge and short line
railways. From 1932 to 1941,
Wismar produced these railbuses in
a wide variety of gauges, from 750
mm to standard, for railways across
This detailed replica features:
- weather-resistant construction
- opening doors
- four-way power control switch
- protected gearbox with seven-pole
Bühler motor
- four powered wheels
- four power pickups
- voltage stabilization circuit
- automatic directional lanterns
- interior lighting
- length: 450 mm (17.7 in.)
- weight: 1760 g (3.9 lb.)
With this model, we recommend the
following items:
- 50550 Station Light, Single
- 50560 Station Light, Double
- 51420 Tourist Figures, Seated
- 52290 Porter Figures, Luggage
- 52390 Passenger Figures, Seated,
Set 2
- 52450 1900s Figures, Seated, Set 2
For information on the complete LGB
program, see the LGB catalog.
Operating Modes
This model has a four-way power
control switch mounted under the
floor (Fig. 1, 2):
Position 0: All power off
Position 1: Power to lights
Position 2: Power to lights and
Position 3: Same as 2, but without
taillights (factory pre-set)
Multi-Train System
The model is equipped a factory-
installed onboard decoder for the
LGB Multi-Train System. It can be
used without modifications on ana-
log or digital layouts. For operation
with the Multi-Train System, the
model is programmed to loco
address 03. For information on pro-
gramming the loco address, see the
instructions for various MTS compo-
When operating with the Multi-Train
System, you can remotely control the
loco’s functions. Press the lighting
button (“9” with remotes) to turn the
loco lights on or off. Press the func-
tion button (“1”) to turn the interior
lights on or off.
When operating with the Multi-Train
System, the loco features a “Back-
EMF” function. This keeps the motor
speed constant (and under normal
conditions the loco speed), even
when the load of the loco changes,
for example, in curves or on grades.
This feature does not work at top
speed, because additional voltage
must be available to overcome any
added load.