6 - Installation manual - Ecotype
1.1 Introduction
Load securing, for example of aggregates, during the freight transport on road is required by law.
Marcolin Covering s.r.l. has developed the Ecotype
Covering System, which fulfils the legal obligation and satisfies practical
and functional needs of its user.
This manual provides all the necessary instructions for a safe application and for keeping fully functional the Ecotype
Covering System through the planned periodic maintenance.
Thank you for having chosen the Ecotype
Covering System of Marcolin Covering s.r.l.!
Important information if purchasing the “lowered cable system”
The Ecotype Covering is also available with “lowered cables”.
The system is intended for lowering the cable run of the upper steel cable which pulls the covering system. The cable run is
lowered by approx. 22 mm under the body upper edge compared to the standard cable run which is approx. 11 mm over the
body upper edge.
This option aims at fulfilling the requirements of our Customers and eliminating the breakage problems of the steel cable as
a result of cable crushing during the normal loading operations.
In case of installation of the “lowered cable” covering system
all the height indications
mentioned in this installation
manual regarding the positioning of the machinery on the front side and the tension plates or guide pulleys on the rear side
have to be increased by 33 mm
See details in paragraphs 3.1.2 and 3.3.3 .
1.3 Commitments of the machinery deliverer to the end-user
As dealer of Marcolin Covering s.r.l. your company finalizes the sale, the installation, the delivery of the covering system to
the end-user and the customer service.
The handing over procedure of the machine to the end-user is an important happening both for the dealer and for the user.
For this reason it is relevant that the selling operation is carried out with understanding and collaboration.
Following operations are mandatory for the machine deliverer:
Carrying out the teaching and training course with final examination (in oral or written form at yours own discretion) to
pass by the machine operator.
The teaching and training course can be considered as passed when the machine operator has successfully answered your
questions and has personally performed several operating cycles on the machine.
Issuing the own EC Declaration of Conformity.
Handing over the own EC Declaration of Conformity to the end-user (not the one issued by Marcolin Covering s.r.l.
because it doesn’t cover any civil and criminal liability arising from the installation and the start-up work of the machine).
Handing over the user manual and any other documentation received by Marcolin Covering s.r.l. together with the
covering system to the end-user.
1.3.1 The teaching and training course for the end-user must include the following items:
The end-user has to be informed about the great importance of the following operations:
recognizing the own machine;
knowing well the piece parts the machine is made of and their specific function and application.
The end-user has to receive an appropriate information about following items:
chine’s risk and danger areas;
actions which are absolutely forbidden;
the permitted proper handling and the prohibited misuse of the machine;
components regarding the operational security.
The end-user has to receive proper instructions about the following activities:
turning on and off the control switches;
the machine workings by processing some operating cycles;
the processing of the maintenance actions permitted by the manufacturer in safety conditions (fuse replacing);
the processing of the ordinary maintenance of the machine;