Multiple Exposure Photography
When desiring to wind up to the end of film while unexposed film
remains in the holder.
W h e n t h e multiexposure lever of the roll
film holder is moved forward, the coupling
pin for double-exposure prevention is dis-
engaged, and whenever the shutter cocking
lever is set, shutter releasing can be re-
peated without limit.
The multiexposure lever can be changed
over before or after shutter cocking, and
also before or after shutter releasing for the
first multiple exposure photograph.
When taking multiple exposure pictures
is finished, never fail to return the multiex-
posure lever to its original position; other-
wise, failure in taking subsequent multiple
exposure pictures will occur.
Storing the dark slide
When the film advance lever is continuously
wound, with the film wind-stop release lever
(42) pushed to the left, the film can be reeled
up completely to its end, even though pic-
ture taking is still in progress and a film
remains unexposed.
While progressing with photography, the
dark slide of the roll film holder can be
stored by inserting it into the camera body
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