Changing the Picture Format to Horizontal or Vertical
Operating the revolving adapter
When the horizontal format mark of the
revolving adapter is facing upward, a hori-
zontal format will result. To compose a
v e r t i c a l p h o t o g r a p h . t u r n t h e r e v o l v i n g
adapter clockwise until it stops. To change
from vertical to horizontal, turn the revolving
adapter counterclockwise.
In either case, be sure to turn the adapter
a full 90° until it clicks and stops. If the
adapter is stopped midway, the shutter
release button cannot be pressed.
* Do NOT turn the revolving adapter while
the shutter release button is being pressed.
Especially, when a cable release or a self-
timer is used, and adjustment of the release
tip is improper, the shutter release button
will remain depressed after the shutter is
released. Always pay attention to this fact.
Viewfield of horizontal or vertical format
Horizontal picture format
When the revolving adapter is positioned at
the horizontal format, red lines appear on
the ground
screen to indicate
a horizontal picture format. Compose the
picture within the red lines.
Vertical picture format
When the revolving adapter is positioned in
the vertical format, the red lines disappear.
Compose the picture within the broken lines
on both sides.