About Resins
Resin storage
Resins should be kept in the dark and ventilated place, storage temperature:
20°C-30°C, lower temperature can extend the shelf life, the official resin shelf life is
one year.
Resin operation
When operating, please wear gloves and avoid direct contact as possible. Cured resin
is safe to be handled without gloves. If exposed to skin, wash the exposed location
promptly. Printed models should not be used for food applications.
Safety and Resin
There are many types of resin and many manufacturers on the market. Because of
this, this section is to serve as general best practices to be aware of when working
with resin:
Wear gloves when working with uncured resin.
Keep out of reach of children.
Do not drink or eat the resin.
Safety glasses are recommended (splashing can happen to anybody).
Most manufacturers will have a safety data sheet available, and it is recommended to
research the resin you will be working with.
Transferring Resin to Storage
When you use resin, small bits can be cured unintentionally. For this reason, we do
not recommend mixing resin that has been used back into the original bottle of resin.
Doing so may result in unintended flecks of cured resin which can lead to unintended
print defects. You can filter the resin through a sift or fine mesh to get those bits and
pieces removed.
That being said, we recommend storing resins that have been used into a separate
container. Ideally the container is black, and should have a lid. The container should
be stored in a dark, ventilated place to prevent curing while being stored.
Discarding Resin
Before discarding resin, it should be cured fully. A clear, disposable cup can be very