IV) This moment can be used to clean the resin vat, but it is not necessary. Remove
any remaining pieces of cured resin from the vat, and reinstall it onto the printer.
When printing the first few layers, you can click the "Pause" button to raise the print
platform, so that it will be easy to observe whether the first layer adherence to the
if there is no problem, click the "Continue" button to continue printing, if there
is nothing on the build plate, stop the print and try the previous troubleshooting steps
to prevent wasting time and resin. Be sure to clear the vat of any cured resin before
starting again.
If a part of the model is on the platform and the other part is at the bottom of the vat,
you may need to increase exposure time, or increase the lift height giving the resin
more time to flow.
Model deformation or having no details can be solved by shortening the exposure
time or by adding a solid color paste or reducing the print layer.
Model Cleaning
Once the print is finished, remove the platform and use a metal putty knife or
spatula to remove the print from the platform.
After removing the print from the build platform, use a spare container with
Isopropyl Alcohol to clean the print by submerging in the alcohol and shaking
vigorously for a short period of time. An ultrasonic cleaner can also be used for this
Cleaning time should not be more than 5 minutes. If too long, details on the model
will soften and the model surface will begin to whiten. The smaller details in the final
print, the shorter the cleaning time should be.
Once cleaned, set the print in a sunny location or under UV light. Curing times will
depend on the resin you are using.
During the cleaning process, if you use a soft brush to clean, the surface will be