1) If the print finishes and there is nothing on the build plate there are 3 potential
a) The first layers did not cure enough and the print has fallen off of the build
plate. Increase the base cure time. For Malyan resin, 60 seconds for the base cure
time will work. Other resins may require different amounts of curing time.
b) The platform did not level correctly. Verify that there are no small particles of
previous prints in the resin vat, as this will disrupt the leveling process. Keeping the
resin vat clear of small pieces of cured resin is a necessity.
c) On the Control Interface, run the “clear” function without the resin vat to verify
that the LCD screen on the machine is turning on and off.
2) If the first few layers have adhered, but the remainder of the model is missing:
a) The cure time for your resin is not long enough. The model likely fell into the
vat and it will be necessary to remove it before attempting to print again.
b) You have not supported the piece properly. If the print is held in place by
supports, you may need to add more supports to overcome the weight of the object as
its printing.
*Please note that you must keep the vat clear of particles and partially cured resin.
When this error occurs, it is not uncommon for cured resin to stick to the FEP lining in
the bottom of your vat. Best practice to clearing this type of obstruction:
I) Use the provided hex key to undo the two screws on the left and right hand side of
the resin vat.
II) Remove the resin from the vat into a separate container. We recommend a new,
empty container and strongly against pouring resin from the vat into the original resin
bottle as this can result in small pieces of cured resin to contaminate the otherwise
clean resin.
III) Use a plastic spatula, plastic tweezers, or expired banking card to gently peel the
resin from the FEP lining. Take care, as the FEP lining is thin and can be torn if
approached too aggressively.